MATERIAL. Grenadilla Wood
This barrel is sold used, but is basically new. It was purchased in 2019 to add to my inventory, but has not been played. Muncy sells these barrels for $195 new, however he is currently out of stock on this length barrel This is a great deal if you need the standard 66mm length.
Clarinet Barrel
Beautifully hand crafted Grenadilla Wood ringless clarinet barrels are newly designed to improve most clarinets, including Buffet and Leblanc. Three unique wood species produces its own unique tonal color. These select woods have been aged by Muncy Winds since 1997 producing the most stable barrels on the market. Each barrel is handmade to release the unique sound that nature had intended for that particular piece of wood. These barrels are known for producing an incredible hold and evenness in sound. Grenadilla=Most Ringing Tone Rosewood=Darker Tone Cocowood=Darkest Tone